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Total Records Found: 405426, showing 10 per page
NameNationalityCategoryDay of BirthDay of DeathDays of Life
Violetta Ferrari   hungarian TV, Movies & Theatre 25.04.1930 23.01.2014 30589
Violetta Kolesnikova   russian TV, Movies & Theatre 24.08.1938 26.03.2022 30530
Violetta Quesada   cuban Sports 11.07.1947 24.03.2024 28016
Violetta Villas   polish Music & Radio 10.06.1938 05.12.2011 26841
Violette Leduc   french Writers 07.04.1907 28.05.1972 23793
Violette Morris   french Sports 18.04.1893 26.04.1944 18635
Violette Szabo   french Politics, Business & Military 26.06.1921 05.02.1945 8625
Violette Verdy   french Artists 01.12.1933 08.02.2016 30019
Viorel Mateianu   romanian Sports 01.06.1938 25.11.1997 21727
Viorel Morariu   romanian Sports 18.10.1931 23.05.2017 31264